> Hi,

> I've set up postfix to be the mail relay for a domain so we can
> process it through amavis/spamassassin prior to it being forwarded on
> to our O365 domain.
You need to add this domain to the "relay_domains"

> I've set up a recipient check to allow relaying for our zendesk
> support domain, but for some reason it's still being rejected. Is it
> due to the empty envelope sender?
SMTPD checks "smtpd_relay_restrictions" also.
By default it accepts email from unauthenticated users/networks to
mydestination and relay_domains only.

> main.cf:
> relay_domains = $mydestination, example.com

 Add "nnnhelp.zendesk.com" here.
Be sure Postfix knows how to deliver email there (there must be MX record
or record in "transport(5)" table)

>         check_recipient_access pcre:$config_directory/nnnhelp-zendesk,
Did you add it to the "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" ?

Check this doc carefully: http://www.postfix.org/SMTPD_ACCESS_README.html
It has examples and very useful table

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