On 25/08/2021 04:01, Jean-François Bachelet wrote:
Hello ^^)

In the today's report I've got from PFLogsumm about the Postfix activity from yesterday I have a warning that I see here :

Aug 24 19:48:55 servername postfix/postfix-script[1187]: warning: /var/spool/postfix/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt and /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt differ

first, what is surprising (to me) is that there is a copy of etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt contents in /var/spool/postfix/ssl ???

isn't /var/spool/postfix  for spooling mails ? so why finding configuration stuff there ? (ssl/cert, hosts, host.conf, localtime, nsswitch.conf, passwd, resolv.conf, services)

then that the ca-certificates.crt are different between the two places...

btw, if this is wanted, why the two cert files aren't in sync and why I don't get a warning each day with the report while the two cert files are out of sync since august 21 as I can see by the dates of the files ???

I've upgraded my server from buster to bullseye on august, 21, is it a side effect ?

You are running postfix chrooted, or you previously ran it chrooted and have not cleaned out the old chrooted files. If/when you are no longer running any postfix processes chrooted, you can remove a lot of cruft from /var/spool/postfix - including /var/spool/postfix/ssl.

This may be caused by a change in default behaviour: postfix <3.0.0 ran processes chrooted by default (i.e. where chroot entry in master.cf was set to '-'), this changed to non-chrooted by default for postfix >=3.0.0.

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