I am trying to re-write sender email address n...@host.some.domain to be name+host@other.domain.

In main.cf I have:

sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
sender_canonical_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/generic-pcre

In /etc/postfix/generic-pcre I have:

/^(.*)@(\w+).([.\w]+)/ ${1}+${2}@other.domain

If I run the following command:

postmap -q "n...@host.some.domain" pcre:/etc/postfix/generic-pcre

With that I have assumed I have what I want. Unfortunately, I don't understand the recursion, or some other part of the equation, as the actual e-mail address on the receiving end looks something like:

name+host+some+some+some+some+some+some+some+some+some@other.domain .

It might be (as substitution has been done to protect the innocent):

If you know where I am in error, your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

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