>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> writes:

>> On 18 Nov 2021, at 12:28 pm, Togan Muftuoglu <tog...@dinamizm.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the clarification. One more thing having the backup MX listed in
>> the SPF records of the domain and opendkim signing the relayed mails does
>> not break the validations in the primary MX when it receives mail from the
>> backup, correct ?

Viktor> Any receiving system that elects to use a backup MX must whitelist
Viktor> mail from the backup MX:

Viktor>   * Not apply any SPF checks

Both Backup and Primary MX runs openDMARC with the following settings

RejectFailures true

SPFIgnoreResults false

They also run opendkim in signing/verifying mode

##  Causes the filter to perform a fallback SPF check itself when
##  it can find no SPF results in the message header.  If SPFIgnoreResults
##  is also set, it never looks for SPF results in headers and
##  always performs the SPF check itself when this is set.
SPFSelfValidate true

##  TrustedAuthservIDs string
##      default HOSTNAME
##  Specifies one or more "authserv-id" values to trust as relaying true
##  upstream DKIM and SPF results.  The default is to use the name of
##  the MTA processing the message.  To specify a list, separate each entry
##  with a comma.  The key word "HOSTNAME" will be replaced by the name of
##  the host running the filter as reported by the gethostname(3) function.

Both backup and primary have their fqdn listed as TrustedAuthservIDs

Viktor>   * Not greylist

Both primary and backup are running postscreen with identical allowlisted cidr

Viktor>   * Not reject messages other than to invalid recipients

Both of them reject all mail for non-existent recipients. Backup MX has
relay_recipients that is synced with Primary MX recipients list

They both have spamass-milter running and they both reject with a spam score of 

In addition I have applied the examples mentioned in the

So under the above mentioned conditions anything I should not be doing or
should be doing instead ?


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