
is there a hook that can be run after a SMTP delivery attempt, right before or 
after this line is logged, passing some or all the data in this line?

Nov 28 03:43:30 mail1 postfix/smtp[1441795]: CB8C41C1C976: 
relay=hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[]:25, delay=2.7, 
delays=0.22/0/0.3/2.2, dsn=2.6.
0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 <1079627886.228389.1638071007339.JavaMail.be@NTF01> 
[InternalId=34123515169457, Hostname=DM5PR0401MB3608.namprd04.prod.outlook.com] 
16724 bytes in 0.315, 51.835 KB/sec Qu
eued mail for delivery -> 250 2.1.5)

also for unsuccessful deliveries, e.g.

Dec  1 19:29:26 mail1 postfix/smtp[1573818]: EFD1A1C1C973: 
to=<xx...@icloud.com>, relay=mx02.mail.icloud.com[]:25, delay=3.5, 
delays=0.21/0/2.2/1.1, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host 
mx02.mail.icloud.com[] said: 550 5.1.1 <xx...@icloud.com>: user 
does not exist (in reply to RCPT TO command))


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