On Mon, 2022-01-03 at 13:02 +1100, raf wrote:
> Note: The errors above are due to copying and pasting
> the command prompt ("wzv$") and the strace output (i.e.
> connect...) along with the commands themselves. Your
> shell was trying to execute those things as though they
> were shell commands, but they're not. You have to
> execute only the actual commands:
>   strace -e connect postqueue -p |& grep showq
> and:
>   exit

I'll give that a try.  Thanks for the clarification!

> It doesn't look like it. My /var/spool/postfix/public
> is also drwx--s--- so that group postdrop can access
> things inside it, and postqueue is -r-xr-sr-x so it
> runs as group postdrop.
> Your permissions look correct. The usual reason for
> correct permissions not working is, as Wietse said,
> AppArmor or selinux getting in the way.
> If you installed auditd, and then examined
> /var/log/audit/* to see what AppArmor is blocking, and
> found nothing at all that might be Postfix-related,
> then it's a mystery. Selinux logs go into /var/log/audit/*
> as well, but its logs use lower case "denied" rather than
> upper case "DENIED" like AppArmor does, so check for that
> as well. But you'd probably know if selinux was active.

I disabled AppArmor a few hours ago and I still can't get to my email.


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