Is there an existing system out there that integrates with postfix that makes 
it simple for a user to add 'private' email addresses that are aliased to their 
real email and also to then bitbucket the email?

What I am thinking about is something where a user can request a new alias and 
get back something like

which is an alias to and can also cancel that address. 
Preferably the interface for these actions is simply submitting an email to 
their own account directly to the mail server (with auth, of course) to create 
and delete an alias, with a reply of either the new alias or a confirmation the 
alias has been removed.

I can think of some (messy) ways to do this, but before I start cobbling 
something together, I am hoping this is something someone has already done.

Because you can't cotton to evil. No Sir. You have to smack evil on
        the nose with the rolled-up newspaper of justice and say, 'Bad
        evil. Bad BAD evil"'

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