> Do you know if the problem is a kernel limit or a per-process limit?
> Does master have 4096 open files (including network sockets: ip,
> unix-domain, etc.).

> BTW that last one was a trick question: you need a huge number of
> services in to exceed the 4096 limit. The master needs
> three sockets for each service with type 'unix' in;
> services with type 'inet' require two sockets plus one socket per
> address in inet_interfaces.

> "Do you know if the problem is a kernel limit or a per-process limit?"
> I realy dont known where is it the problem - and how diagnose this
> I long think about kernel limit but ... no have idea

Were you the person who has a Postfix process limit in the thousands?
If that is the case, then I suggest that you reduce the Postfix
process limit to half the number, do "postfix reload", wait for a
while, and keep reducing the limit to half its value until the
"resource temporarily unavailable" warnings go away. Also, make
arrangements for more (and more powerful) servers.


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