>> >  One addition:

>>> The swaks command line you'll need to test properly will be something like 
>>> this:
>>> swaks -tls -t tar...@example.com  --auth-user joea --server 
>>> mail.example.com:587
>> Thanks, that got me over that hump. Test email went through,
>> Now to translate this effort into fixing my postfix configuration.
>> joe a
> The old adage "read logs and be enlightened" (OK I made that up) seems to 
> hold.
> Eventually I emerged from my fog and found the bounce messages were via the 
> provider 
> IP port 25.  I thought that odd, since TLS seemed established.
> Looking at /etc/postfix/transport(.db) found I had not used the form 
> [some.host.com]:port.  Fixed that
> and all seems to work.
> Thanks again.

I have per user SASL authentication working, with one rather odd exception for 
which I do not see a cause.   It's a bit convoluted to explain before post 
that, please just remind me what those are.  I did make an concerted effort to 
find them, but came up short.


joe a.

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