For version 3.7.4, is there a means of disabling for smtp per user, per domain, 
per IP, when "smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes"?

Docs/supplements seem say some roughly analogous settings were available pre V 
3.x, but are now deprecated.   I've not found any current setting while 
flailing about in the deep ethereal seas.

Essentially, looking for a means to tell postfix specifically (the little 
dickens) to not attempt to authenticate to a specific host, by user, or 
hostname/IP.. By domain would seem unlikely to help resolve an annoying oddity, 
described in another post.

Any assistance in adding trace or strace. explicit or referral to recent (and 
reachable) docs would be appreciated.   The two referenced programs are all 
that are natively available in this distribution.

Thanks in advance.

joe a

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