SH> We have a postfix/dovecot/mysql configuration.  We recently
SH> removed one of the users from the database, however when we send
SH> email, it still looks like the address we are sending to is a
SH> local address and bounces with a “no such user” error.

Please post your config values.  But I suspect you have your main
domain defined in "local_recipient_maps" or "mydestination" so it's
looking up that username and finding a match in the local password

But please post your configuration (postconf -n) so we can look at it.

SH> I have tried restarting both postfix and dovecot with no change in the 

It won't change, because of how you have postfix configured to do user
mailbox lookups.

SH> Do we maybe need to get rid of the actual vmail box file?

SH> Is there a cache or something that needs to be cleared?

SH> Jeff

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