/> The implemenation is order-dependent./

On 12.03.22 11:56, Wietse Venema wrote:
It does store the configuration in reverse order. However upon
closer reading of code that I haven't touched in 10+ years...

You are correct in that it applies all patterns that match. The
implementation simply assumes that patterns don't overlap.

I think that a reasonable solution is to use only the first match
in postscreen_dnsbl_sites. That code was not designed to handle
overlapping patterns, and I see no value in trying to make it do
such things.

FYI knowing this I configured it like this:


so for *.3 responses (high) I expect -2 points this way.

I can change it if needed, although it won't be so nice this way

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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