I'm happy to announce that LetsDNS release 1.0 is now available and
ready for public use.

  Website: https://letsdns.org
  GitHub : https://github.com/LetsDNS/letsdns
  PyPI   : https://pypi.org/project/letsdns/

LetsDNS is a utility to manage DANE TLSA records in DNS servers with
only a few lines of configuration. It supports multiple domains with
multiple TLS certificates each.

LetsDNS can be invoked manually, from cron jobs, or called in hook
functions of ACME clients like dehydrated or certbot. It currently
supports backends via the DNS Update Protocol (RFC 2136), the Hetzner
DNS API, and a generator for nsupdate scripts. Additionally, LetsDNS
is designed be expanded using custom Python modules which are loaded
dynamically during runtime.

I'd appreciate you taking LetsDNS for a leisurely spin, and letting me
know of your experiences. GitHub discussions/issues are preferred, but
you can also send mail to "author at letsdns dot org".



P.S.: This is a copy of today's DANE Users mailing list announcement.

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