On 2022-05-23 juan smitt wrote:
> We got a request to match the envelope sender with a certain mail
> header (i.e. X-Something) on our relay servers for every outbound
> mails and reject the email if the sender and the value of this header
> don't match.
> It's also possible for a sender to have more than one valid
> X-Something value.
> Something like this:
> * senderdomain1.example is only valid with 'v1', 'v66', 'v99'
> X-Something header values
> * senderdomain2.example is only valid with 'v5'
> * senderdomain3.example is only valid with 'v11' and 'v546'
> etc, etc
> Is this possible with postfix?

This should be doable with restriction classes [1], but it's probably
easier (and more straightforward) to implement it with a policy service
like postfwd [2].

[1] http://www.postfix.org/RESTRICTION_CLASS_README.html
[2] https://postfwd.org/

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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