Le 02/10/2022 à 11:51, Matus UHLAR - fantomas a écrit :
On 10/1/22 16:16, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
4096-bit RSA certificates mostly work, but are pointless crypto
exhibitionism, waste CPU, can run into client implementation
limitations, and so are not a good idea.

On 01.10.22 17:20, Shawn Heisey wrote:
My cert from letsencrypt is 4096 bit.

yes, Let's Encrypt clients generate 4096 keys by default, which is silly because intermediate R3 certificate is only 2048-bit.

Silly, yes for the common usage and totally pointless.
But keep in mind that key generation/primality test are not definitive primatily answer. A very extensively tested 2048 key is more secure than a very basically and lightly tested  4096 key.
Key generation/test is something that is often badly neglected...


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