On 21 Dec 2022, at 08:52, Peter <pe...@pajamian.dhs.org> wrote:
> On 21/12/22 20:35, Samer Afach wrote:
>> Dear Pat:
>> Thank you for throwing this idea, because I really thought it wasn't 
>> possible to retrieve docker logs without setup, but I dug and found the 
>> logs. I have them all. Unfortunately, I can't share them all because they're 
>> like GBs in size. Just the grep on that email address is like 750 MB in size.
>> I cut a snippet of the relevant part (where I see the spam address), and put 
>> it in pastebin. I hope that's allowed in the rules of the list.
>> https://pastebin.com/PEir7mDc
> You have verbose logging enabled.  This makes it much more difficult to 
> troubleshoot because the relevant info is lost in all the noise created by 
> the additional logs.  It will be way easier if you can generate some logs 
> without verbose enabled.

I do agree, too verbose, too much noise. And as far as I can tell, so much 
noise that the sample you provided misses the important part of the SMTP 
transaction from the spammer (connect from). Anyway, there is a "disconnect 
from unknown[]" that tend to confirm what I was thinking, and what 
<mailm...@ionos.gr> replied to you: being behind a proxy makes all client IP 
addresses look like they are local.
You'll have to find a way to forward the real client IP address to your postfix 
so it can know who is local and who is not.


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