On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 04:23:17PM -0500, post...@ptld.com wrote:

> >> /etc/postfix/header_checks_smtp:
> >>      /^Received:/           IGNORE
> >>      /^X-Originating-Ip:/   IGNORE
> > That's a rather radical "solution".  More typically one would just drop
> > "Received" headers known to be added by the local MTA (matching the
> > hostnname in "by" clause explicitly).
> I assumed smtp_header_checks is not used by smtpd "incoming from the
> world".

It isn't if you don't relay the mail anyway.  If you do relay it, then
all the "Received" headers are stripped.

> Is it possible to include the smtp_header_check in the submission
> settings in master.cf to make sure it is only applied to
> "outgoing to the world" email?

Yes, if submission and incoming mail are in separate Postfix instances.

> > As for "X-Originating-Ip:", if you're the one not adding it, why
> > remove it?  And if you are adding it, then why, if only to remove
> > it?
> Because the webmail software im using adds it, so I use postfix to
> strip it back out.

I see, you have a server-side Web-based MUA... Understood.


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