On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 08:01:10PM +0100, Maurizio Caloro <mauri...@caloro.ch> 

> Hello
> Please one more thing about Opendmarc, if send any email to any where
> i see in log SPF fail, domain.ch fail ?
> Jan 16 19:43:39 nmail opendkim[16490]: B6090404C3: DKIM-Signature field
> added (s=nmail, d=caloro.ch)
> Jan 16 19:43:39 nmail opendmarc[16483]: B6090404C3: SPF(mailfrom): caloro.ch
> fail
> Jan 16 19:43:39 nmail opendmarc[16483]: B6090404C3: caloro.ch fail
> if recieve any mail from any where, any thing pass
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: mailc-bb.linkedin.com
> [A.B.C.D] not internal
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: not authenticated
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: message has signatures
> from linkedin.com, mailc.linkedin.com
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: signature=muv88Rcz
> domain=linkedin.com selector=d2048-201806-01 result="no signature error";
> signature=IKaXoyzS domain=mailc.linkedin.com selector=proddkim1024
> result="no signature error"
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: DKIM verification
> successful
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendkim[13804]: 10003404C3: s=d2048-201806-01
> d=linkedin.com SSL
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendmarc[15095]: 10003404C3 ignoring
> Authentication-Results at 2 from nmail.caloro.ch
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendmarc[15095]: 10003404C3: SPF(mailfrom):
> bounce.linkedin.com pass
> Jan 16 19:37:10 nmail opendmarc[15095]: 10003404C3: linkedin.com pass
> --
> on the header from any mail that i send will appair following
> Authentication-Results-Original: caloro.ch, calm-ness.ch; spf=fail
> # cat opendmarc.conf
> AuthservID                              caloro.ch, calm-ness.ch
> AuthservIDWithJobID             false
> AutoRestart                             false
> AutoRestartRate                     10/1h
> Background                          true
> DNSTimeout                      5
> HistoryFile /var/spool/postfix/opendmarc/opendmarc.dat
> IgnoreAuthenticatedClients      true
> IgnoreHosts                         /etc/opendmarc/ignore.hosts
> PidFile /var/run/opendmarc/opendmarc.pid
> RejectFailures                  false
> RequiredHeaders                 true
> PublicSuffixList /etc/opendmarc/effective_tld_names.dat
> Socket                          inet:8892@
> SoftwareHeader                  true
> SPFSelfValidate                 true
> SPFIgnoreResults                false
> Syslog                              true
> SyslogFacility                  mail
> # TrustedAuthservIDs            nmail.caloro.ch, nmail.calm-ness.ch
> TrustedAuthservIDs              caloro.ch, calm-ness.ch
> UMask                           077
> UserID                          opendmarc:opendmarc
> if checking online dmarc, dkim, spf from domain appair anything correct!
> please why me email will fail?
> thanks for any hint
> Mauri

I could be wrong, but I suspect that the problem is
that you haven't configured OpenDMARC to not check
locally originating mail. According to the first
Received: header, the mail is coming from
(which is mentioned in multiple ways in the SPF record),
but your mail server at that IP address shouldn't be
performing this check on outgoing mail.

Perhaps you need to add this to your /etc/opendmarc.conf:

  IgnoreAuthenticatedClients true

Unfortunately, the code doing the SPF check doesn't
explain why it failed. Some do. For example, the
postfix-policyd-spf-perl package on debian would
probably show the IP address that caused the failure.
Maybe it's (or the IP address of an
authenticated submission client).


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