I guess the best way to combat this would be to use spamassassin as
a milter as well?
Or do you have another idea?

I had exactly the same problem when I was configuring DKIM on my server, and
I did exactly this - switched from using SA as a post-queue filter to using
it as a milter. Works good for me.

postfix is really quite flexible here.  many ways, and tradeoffs, to approach 
filtering & delivery (and, to shoot yourself in your own foot!).

in one medium-duty case (~ 5K messages / day), I host a postfix instance on an 
edge VPS.

years ago it was bogging down with amavis/rspam. i looked for a lighter, 
better-behaved solution.

this works for me.
is it the most efficient, or guaranteed robust? certainly not, but it never 
noticeably bogs down for my usage, avoids double passes, and has been running 
in production since i switched to it.
and i find it easy to config & maintain.

for inbound, postscreen listens,

        [mx.example.com]:25  inet  n  -  n  -  1  postscreen
          -o smtpd_service_name=postscreen-internal

is passed to internal smtpd,

        postscreen-internal  pass  -  -  n  -  -  smtpd
          -o smtpd_proxy_filter=[]:33010

where is the listener for Fastmail Authentication milter, which 
handles SPF/DKIM/DMARC/etc authentication + headers,


, and which I run in its 'smtp' mode.  After scan + header adds, it reinjects 
to postfix preq milters

        []:33020  inet  n  -  n  -  -  smtpd
          -o milter_protocol=6
          -o milter_default_action=reject
          -o smtpd_service_name=[]:33030

, passing through milter checks for

        milter-regex (https://www.benzedrine.ch/milter-regex.html)
        spamassassin (https://crates.io/crates/spamassassin-milter)

which, on pass, inject again to
        []:33030  inet  n  -  n  -  -  smtpd
          -o content_filter=${def_dbtype}:${cfgdir}/relay_transports

and sends along to final delivery destinations (e.g., over a VPN link to an 
internal box with a postfix+dovecot instance)

for outbound submissions, I sign with dkimpy milter

        [int.mx.example.com]:465  inet  n  -  n  -  -  smtpd
          -o smtpd_milters=unix:/run/dkimpy-milter/dkimpy-milter.sock
          -o milter_macro_daemon_name=DKIM_ORIGINATING
          -o cleanup_service_name=cleanup-out

where, additionally, I do outbound header cleanup/rewrites

        cleanup      unix  n  -  n  -  0  cleanup
        cleanup-out  unix  n  -  n  -  0  cleanup
          -o syslog_name=cleanup-out
          -o mime_header_checks=pcre:${cfgdir}/header_checks-out.pcre
          -o header_checks=pcre:${cfgdir}/header_checks-out.pcre

of course, there's lots of add'l config that meets my specific needs; e.g., all 
transits are TLS protected, DANE's in place, etc etc.
it's fairly trivial to move/replace pieces to other boxes, add redundancy, etc.

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