On Mon, May 08, 2023 at 11:00:55AM +1000, Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users 

> check_rcpt_maps() in smtpd_check.c first looks for the recipient in 
> rcpt_canon_mapsand virt_alias_maps, that's the class-less part. Then it 
> classifies the recipient domain and checks the relevant recipient table 
> - that's the class-full part.

One could also turn off recipient validation entirely, and Postfix would
still have meaninful address classes, because these are the basis of
transport resolution and relay control.

Adding a recipient to virtual_alias_maps DOES NOT make Postfix accept
mail for the recipient from untrusted senders, for that the domain would
have to be listed in one of the address classes matched by

[ Yes, one could also craft "classless" access(5) tables, ... and rely
  only on explicit transport(5) table entries, opting out of all the
  taxonomy that makes it easier to reason about Postfix mail routing,
  but this is not a good idea, and users advanced enough to do that
  aren't the audience for the README tutorials. ]

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