
I am having a weired issue. My provider for the relayhost switched to SSL - which is fine by itself - but that also changed the authentication scheme.

So SASL, what worked for over a decade, does not work any more, instead I need to send plain text username/pw. Confirmed by the providers support.

Wether this is good or braindead is not a matter of debate on the short term. It is, what it currently has become.

So now I am wondering, wether or how this could be accomplished with postfix?
My current configuration:

smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:$meta_directory/smtp_auth
smtp_sasl_security_options =
#smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

But I am not sure, how to convert this into simple plain text auth. Google advised to leave the smtp_sasl_security_options
empty, but that did not do the trick.

For those, who by chance also know thunderbird, when trying to connect directly to my providers outgoing mail server (the relayhost), the setting now required is "password, transmitted insecurely", while "password encrypted" does not work (any more).

However, instead of talkng to my provider directly, the mailclients should use postfix, that in turn relays mail to my provider.

Would that be possible to archive with postfix, to send plain text passwords to a relay host?

And, off topic: Fetchmail has the same issue now, it cannot retrieve mails any more. Just in case someone has a solution here as well.


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