On Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 05:08:44PM +0000, Mark Wheeler via Postfix-users wrote:

> Thank you for your response. In answer to your questions:
>   *   It's a problem as the box is continuing to receive a lot of
>       email so if the sending of mail is throttled we are getting a
>       large backlog of emails waiting to be sent.  Hence we want to
>       raise the limit of messages that we can sent to the same
>       destination

You want to be sure that the receiving server is willing to accept a
higher message rate from your servers.  Do you know that to be the case?
Are you observing backlogs, and in more importantly steadily growing
delays for message delivery?

What is the observed output rate in msgs/sec?

>   *   I think, and I'm by no means the expert in this area, the number
>       of connections is calculated by looking at the master.pid file
>       for the postfix process and doing the following:

No.  The concurrency limit in a limit on the number of concurrent
processes attempting to deliver mail to the destination in question.
Not every process will have a live connection for the entire time that
that it is handling the request.  Some time may be spent in DNS lookups
of MX and A records, ...

>      *   Child_pids = pgrep -P pid

That'll count more than just "smtp" delivery agents.  And I don't recall
that you reported the observed process counts.  Try:

    # pgrep -P $(cat /var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid) -x smtp

Do you have a master.cf process limit set for the "smtp/unix" (or other
relevant) transport?

>      *   Process_connections = /usr/sbin/ss -p -n -t | grep "smtp" | awk 
> -F'[= ,]*' '{print $8}'

This will report all processes with a live connection, but not
necessarily to the destination of interest.

>      *   Finalist = intersection between child_pids and
>          Process_connections (This gives the connections for that pid)

Why not just look at the ESTABLISHED connections to port 25 in the
output of "netstat -anp", and then look how many are present to the
one of the IP addresses of the nexthop of interest.

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