On 7/7/2023 3:46 PM, joe a via Postfix-users wrote:
One hesitates to post this.

Found some oddness when changing a destination in transport_maps (transport_maps = lmdb:/etc/postfix/transport).

Seems related to pattern matching.

The file /etc/postfix/transport contains entries of this form:

somename-xyz.com     noauth:ipaddress_1
somename.xyz               noauth:ipaddress_2
*            relay:[someISP]:587

ipaddress_1 is a server of long standing.  ipaddress_2 is a new box, to eventually replace the older box.

Testing reveals that emails to the first case (translated to real) address yieldd proper results, as do those to the second case.

However, when I change the first case from ipaddress_1 to ipaddress_2, after postmap /etc/posfix/transport, test email to the first case "u...@somename-xyz.com" seem to "fall through" to the relay, resulting in a bounce.

Will I need to resort to a "reg-ex table" to, hopefully, resolve this?

Perhaps meaningful, found that "grep somename.xyz /etc/postfix/*" for example resulted in a match for somename.xyz and somename-xyz.com with somename.xyz and somename-xyz colorized, indicating the "matched" text. Variations on the form of the search term found that "grep "somename\-" files", provided an exact match.  That is enclosing the search term in double quotes with the escape character seemed to "fix" it.

Or, is this just "expected behavior"?

Oh, Nurse, is it time for meds yet?

joe a.
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Apparently wrong again.

postmap -q "stuff" /etc/postfix/transport seems to match as expected in each case.

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