
On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Paragon Corporation <l...@pcorp.us> wrote:
> I would like at some point (soon) fork the standardizer part of pagc and
> include in extras/pagc_standardizer folder of PostGIS to make it easier to
> install as part of the PostGIS build.
> I'd like a vote on this (PSC, developers, and general users)
> As discussed here
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2193
> As some folks have noticed, I've been working on changing the tiger geocoder
> to use an alternative address standardizer which is part of the PAGC library
> (MIT Licensed).
> This unfortunately will require additional library compile in C, but the way
> I have it structured, this piece is not mandatory to use the tiger geocoder
> The logic to use as a drop in replacement is there but not documented since
> still working out some kinks.
> Steve Woodbridge broke out just the standardizer part as a postgresql
> extension and was discussed
> On postgis-users discussion a while back
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-users/2012-December/036019.html
> The purpose is:
> 1)
> The PAGC does generally a better job of standardizing than the built in
> tiger geocoder one so will resolve many of complaints people have had
> 2) Provide a standardizer separate from tiger geocoder that we can reuse for
> other PostGIS based geocoders
> As such the standardizer will be documented in PostGIS documentation
> describing how to build and enable in tiger geocoder
> And how to use it separate from tiger geocoder.
> 3) Should be generally faster too once  we work out some issues on how its
> called and its ability to cache the C built standardizer object.
> Thoughts, concerns
> Thanks,
> Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> http://postgis.net
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