I used Nicolas's strategy and it works.
You could slightly improving it by some preprocessing on the linestring
(smoothing or simplifying, depending on your data)

2015-01-25 22:32 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Ribot <nicolas.ri...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> You could build the linestring from points (makeLine(geom order by time))
> then , with linear referencing (st_lineInterpolatePoint,
> st_linelocatePoint), you can divide your linestring by the distance you
> want, creating new points.
> Then, if you need to keep time information, you could interpolate time
> from initial segment where a new point lies in.
> Nicolas
> On 25 January 2015 at 12:54, Dave Barter <d...@phased.co.uk> wrote:
>> If I had a table of points which are irregularly distributed and wanted
>> to evenly distribute them what would be the best strategy and query?
>> These points were created from a GPX file along a road journey so they
>> crudely map to a line string.
>> I was thinking compute the KNN distance for each point and remove those
>> that have a KNN < a threshold (say 100 metres)
>> Is that the best way to go about it?
>> --
>> Dave Barter
>> Web: http://www.phased.co.uk
>> Email:d...@phased.co.uk
>> Twitter:@Citizenfishy
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