select ST_Clip(r.rast,p.geom) as rast
from polygon p inner join raster r on ST_intersects(r.rast, p.geom)

This returns a raster which has all pixels inside the polygon

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Jean Marchal <>

> Hi list,
> I am trying to return all the pixels in a raster that intersect (not just
> touch) an extent (say a rectangle). I tried ST_Clip and
> ST_Intersection(raster, geom) but they don't return all the pixels that
> intersect my extent polygon. Do I have to vectorize the raster first using
> ST_PixelAsPolygons or there is a better / more efficient way to proceed?
> Ultimately the goal is to fetch the resulting raster in R.
> Thanks,
> Jean
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