Well I could say that using PostGIS ST_Intersects with "messy data" always 
seems to give me TopologyExceptions.  I've had luck with various combinations 
of ST_SnapToGrid and ST_Buffer(0), but with messy data there always seems to be 
some weird case that requires manually edits.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad 
news.  Frankly, I don't understand why the GEOS library has to throw that 

I would encourage you to isolate particular problems and file bug reports.  
Improvements in GEOS to eliminate the underlying error(s) would certainly be 

John Abraham

> On Feb 8, 2015, at 1:43 PM, BladeOfLight16 <bladeofligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:28 AM, BladeOfLight16 <bladeofligh...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bladeofligh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I'm trying to create a polygon overlay. The basic process is relatively 
> simple: 1) Get the boundaries 2) Union the boundaries to node the linestrings 
> 3) Polygonize the noded outlines 4) Filter out holes using a contains or 
> intersects test. The problem I'm running into is that I'm getting 
> "GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between 
> LINESTRING" errors from ST_Union. 
> [a lot snipped] 
> I haven't seen any response to this. I was just wondering if anyone else had 
> a chance or intentions to look this over. Granted, it's pretty long and 
> involved (sorry for that), but I thought all the details I included were 
> important. I do know it went through the mailing list; someone on IRC helped 
> me find it in the... I guess it's not the archives; I don't know what it's 
> called. But the online browsing mechanism. Thanks to anyone who's taking a 
> look.
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