

I’m not sure I understand your whole problem, but I can try to give you the 
beginning of some answers :

-          The use of ST_Overlaps seems more natural to me to find overlapping 
geometries (it depends on what you’re looking for, and you may also have look 
to ST_Intersects but ST_Contains does not return the same kind of results)

-          To compare geometries within a single layer, you can make an auto 
jointure and a select distinct to remove duplicates. Something like this query 
may work :


SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM table AS a, table AS b

WHERE a.gid != b.gid  and ST_Overlap(a.geom, b.geom) 






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Envoyé : jeudi 26 février 2015 14:33
À : postgis-users@lists.osgeo.org
Objet : [postgis-users] overlapping geometries


hey list, 

i have the following problem: 

- i have overlapping geometries in one layer in my postgis (8.3) database. 

-> how could i find the overlapping geometries?? 

->i could not divide into two layers... 
-> if i have two layers i could use st_contain, but in one ?? 

- it will be over 6 million geometries.... 

any idea? 


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