maintaining your data model is easy to do with triggers.

About copy / past.
Sorry this just doesn't make much sense to me.

You can import shapefile into postgres if it is the question.
You can also use trigger on the import table to fill you rmodel with the
imported data.


2015-04-18 17:39 GMT+02:00 Luciano <>:

> Hi,
> I wonder how can I update a postgresql postgis database before the
> following scenario:
> Always worked with shape files and update them used copy / paste between
> files.
> Now, think about creating a database in PostgreSQL and would like to
> continue using copy / paste to update polygons, but in my database
> structure is different from the shape file. For example:
> Imagine that the shapefile have all the fields in one table, already in
> the database, by reason of standardization, have these columns in tables
> distinct. Below is an example of a register of towns.
> File shape, columns:
> town ​​code;
> town description;
> Neighborhood code;
> name of the neighborhood;
> block code;
> Street code;
> street name;
> In Postgres / Gis could look like this:
> Cities table (data):
> - Town id
> - Description of town
> Neighborhoods table (data):
> - Id of the neighborhood
> - Description of the neighborhood
> - Id of town (foreign key)
> Blocks table:
> - Id of the court
> - Block of code
> - Town id (foreign key)
> - Geometry, polygon
> Streets table:
> - Street id
> - Street name
> - Town id (foreign key)
> - Geometry, line
> How could update (insert) a block in postgresql table using copy / paste
> the shape file?
> Would have to create a trigger/procedure (instead of) to automate the
> process?
> Fields of shape file should be equal to the fields of database table?
> Some practical example as a reference?
> tia
> --
> Luciano
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