I went trough a similar quest recently.
The only solution I found that worked easily was to export the 3D
and visualize it in an external software
(in my case , CloudCompare )

Sadly it's difficult to find a mature x3d viewer.


2015-07-08 13:22 GMT+02:00 Tom van Tilburg <tom.van.tilb...@gmail.com>:

> I think 3D is still in it's infancy in the world of GIS, so for many
> things you have to things manually.
> If it's just visualizing, you may try to export them as X3D and open them
> in an X3D capable viewer.
> Regina made a first (impressive) effort on a viewer with this:
>     https://github.com/robe2/postgis_x3d_viewer
> but you can also directly output a valid x3d file from an SQL query:
>     http://postgis.net/docs/ST_AsX3D.html
> T.
> On 7-7-2015 21:44, Hillier, Michael wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am searching for advice on how to visualize PostGIS 3D geometries:
>> PointZ, PolygonZ, TinZ. So far I have tested out:
>>    *   ArcScene - supports pointz and polygonz. but many issues with
>> polygonz and confirmed by ESRI
>>    *   pg3Dviewer - only supports Pointz. Although, was never able to
>> visualize it even with their test dataset and tutorial.
>>    *   QGIS - only supports 2D geometry - 3rd dimension ignored
>>    *   Grass GIS - extremely difficult to use (I am not a GIS expert):
>> connecting to database, creating new mapset, vector map etc. I was able to
>> connect to the database and see my tables, figured out the mapset and
>> vector map system. But the only thing it seems to pull in from the table is
>> the id column and not the geometry.
>> Honestly, the issues I have gone through to visualize simple 3D PostGIS
>> geometries doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't there be a simple
>> environment to connect to the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and visualize the
>> 3D geometries? Or have I really missed something here? If there isn't what
>> is the point in having standardized geometries on a S-DBMS if you can't
>> visualize them?
>> Is it expected that some advanced end user develop their own software
>> using some visualization toolkit like VTK to visualize these geometries?
>> Many thanks for any advice/guidance.
>> Michael
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