You may find that this problem is recently addressed (how does this bug exist 
for 10 years and get reported twice in two weeks?) in 

While in general the rule “things that are larger than a hemisphere are going 
to be problematic” does hold, the reported case was in fact addressable and 
fixable, if not in general then at least for most common cases.

In general:

- try to break your large things into equivalent sets of smaller things
- remember that no edge will span more than 180 degrees, as we do interpret an 
edge as the shortest distance between a coordinate pair



> On Aug 13, 2019, at 9:55 AM, Szymon Haas <> wrote:
> Dear PostGIS users,
> We are using PostGIS as an engine to retrieve data in GeoJSON format.
> As the data is worldwide and requests concern large geographic areas we did a 
> choice of using "geography" data type.
> The main functionality of our system is retrieving data in some "places" 
> (points, lines, areas), including buffers. 
> Thus, after several tries, we decided to use ST_DWithin function.
> Recently, during the tests, we found an issue with that function.
> Briefly - for very large areas (from the observations BBOX wider than 180 
> degrees EW) results of the ST_DWithin are missing data in a circular area 
> around the 0,0 point (the prime meridian and equator cross-section).
> To reproduce the issue one can create a table/view with a grid of points 
> (lines or polygons would have the same effect) around the globe:
> SELECT row_number() over() AS eid, ST_Translate(point, j, i)::geography AS 
> geog
>     FROM 
>       generate_series(-89, 89) AS i,
>       generate_series(-180, 179) AS j,
>       (SELECT ('POINT(0 0)')::geometry AS point) AS b )
> adding these indexes will speedup test queries:
> CREATE INDEX tmp_points_1x1_geog
>     ON tmp_points_1x1 USING gist(geog)
>     TABLESPACE pg_default;
> CREATE INDEX tmp_points_1x1_eid
>     ON tmp_points_1x1 USING btree(eid)
>     TABLESPACE pg_default;
> The below test query returns in Json format data for requested geojson area 
> (here it's 190 degrees wide):
> SELECT row_to_json(fc)
> FROM (
>     SELECT 'FeatureCollection' AS type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) AS 
> features
>     FROM (
>         SELECT 'Feature' AS type, 
>         ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geog)::json AS geometry, 
>         row_to_json(lp) AS properties
>         FROM tmp_points_1x1 AS lg 
>         INNER JOIN (SELECT eid 
>                     FROM tmp_points_1x1 
>                     WHERE st_dwithin(geog, 
> ST_GEOMFROMGEOJSON('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-20,-50],[75,-50],[170,-50],[170,50],[75,50],[-20,50],[-20,-50]]]}'
>  ),0)
>                     ) AS lp 
>         ON lg.eid = lp.eid  
>         ) AS f 
>     ) AS fc;
> On the visualization of the output you can see the missing data:
>  above180wide.png 
> <>
> If the request area is narrowed to <180 degrees wide, e.g. 170 degrees: 
> {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-20,-50],[20,-50],[20,50],[-20,50],[-20,-50]]]}
> the problem of missing data doesn't appear any more:
>  below180wide.png 
> <>Is
>  it a known issue?
> Are there chances for that to be resolved?
> Or maybe it's not a bug (e.g. request geometries' BBOXes should not exceed 
> 180 degrees?)
> Thank you for any explanation,
> Eliasz Haas
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