> We are migrating from a Windows Postgres Version 9.6.1 PostGIS Version 2.3.1 
> solution to an AWS RDS solution, Postgres Version 13.7 PostGIS Version 3.1.5. 
> We used dump files to transfer the database contents to AWS, using 
> pg_dump.exe to create schema dump files, then using psql to restore the dump 
> files to the RDS instance.
> However, we are finding that PostGIS database queries are taking 
> significantly longer on RDS than on Windows (although querying non-PostGIS 
> attribute data is actually faster). We are thinking this might be due to the 
> PostGIS versioning, going from version 2 to version 3.
> Any suggestions that we can do on the PostGIS side to improve query 
> performance would be appreciated. Thanks.


a value in a PostGIS data type is usually larger than standard data. Is it 
possible that the bandwidth between you and RDS is just
smaller than the bandwidth versus your (presumably local) Windows box and the 
extra time is lost transferring data?


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