Nikhil Shetty <> writes:

> Hi Greg,
> Not sure what is the your context, I am just asking if there are known
> issues with PostGIS when upgrading to RHEL8
> We are not running anything intentionally, I have also mentioned we have
> plans for upgrade
> Please ask before putting messages out in the public domain.

I replied to a public message.  Not sure what you mean here.

> Thanks,
> Nikhil

I interpreted your message as asking "if we upgrade from one LTS to some
other LTS, still using old postgis, and presumably old other software,
will it be ok".

In general the answer is "maybe, but we don't keep track of old

If you really meant "if anyone happens to know that this will break,
please speak up", then sorry, I misinterpreted.

The context is a long history of people running LTS who expect the
projects to provide support for old versions because they are in some

Also, I dropped the developers list; please don't crosspost to both,
especially for things that belong on users.
postgis-users mailing list

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