
This message is more as a reference for current and future PostGIS/Golang

I've been using PostGIS with Go very successfully. The combination of
PostGIS's awesome power and Go's "better Python" (static typing, built-in
concurrency, compiled) is a fantastic for writing geo pipelines with custom
processing steps.

I've written a number of open source libraries that may be of help to

https://github.com/twpayne/go-geos - official Go bindings for GEOS
https://github.com/twpayne/go-proj - official Go bindings for PROJ
https://github.com/twpayne/pgx-geos - PostGIS and GEOS support for

This particular combo works very well with https://sqlc.dev (which supports
several languages, not just Go).

My workflow for a custom processing step is:
1. Write a SELECT query to retrieve input data.
2. Write an INSERT (or COPY FROM) query to persist output data.
3. sqlc generates type-safe bindings to these queries directly from the
4. Call the SELECT function which returns PostGIS geometries as GEOS
5. Manipulate the GEOS objects using the full power of GEOS and Go. Go is
already fast, and for bulk operations, Go's concurrency allows me to use
all my CPU cores.
6. Call the INSERT function to persist the GEOS objects in PostGIS.


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