On Thu, 28 Mar 2024, Regina Obe wrote:

[Deleted for the sake of brevity]

Obviously, the case-based aspect of the city name can be cancelled with a
function such as UPPER(city).

I also am generous in the radius dimension setting it at 5k feet.

But my next question is how do position the cluster_id on a map w/o
referencing the city, and then tying that out to a geometry that I have
stored for the city?

Thank you again,


Depends how you want to show the cluster. If you want to show like a bubble
to represent the cluster, you can probably using ST_MinimumBoundingCircle
First by keeping the point geometry

SELECT city, state, ST_ClusterDBScan( ST_Transform(geom,2163), eps :=
0.3048*5000, minpoints :=1) OVER () AS cluster_id, aa.geom
shapefiles.atp_filling_stations aa WHERE aa.amenity = 'fuel'
AND aa.ctry_code = 'US' AND aa.geom IS NOT NULL;

SELECT cluster_id , ST_MinimumBoundingCircle(ST_Collect(geom)) AS geom,
FROM tmp_aa_zz
GROUP BY cluster_id;

Or you might want to show the individual points in which case you can
dispense with the ST_MinimumBoundingCircle call or have it in addition to

SELECT cluster_id , ST_Collect(ST_MinimumBoundingCircle(ST_Collect(geom)),
ST_Collect(geom)) AS geom, COUNT(*)
FROM tmp_aa_zz
GROUP BY cluster_id;

Other alternative options you can try besides the minimum bounding circle
might be ST_ConvexHull  https://postgis.net/docs/en/ST_ConvexHull.html
, ST_ConcaveHull https://postgis.net/docs/en/ST_ConcaveHull.html, or maybe
even ST_GeometricMedian https://postgis.net/docs/en/ST_GeometricMedian.html
(if you want to show only one point to represent all the points or
ST_Centroid ( I think ST_GeometricMedian would be a more accurate
representation though, think of centroid as the average so would be highly
affected by outlier points where as the median would be less so)

I've adapted some of your recommendations. One of the targets of this effort is to add a layer to an existing QGIS project: various energy infrastructure of the U.S./North America.

So, I've taken a portion of your recommendations, and have built the following SQL:
DROP TABLE shapefiles.filling_station_clusters;

CREATE TABLE shapefiles.filling_station_clusters AS
SELECT city, state, ST_ClusterDBScan( ST_Transform(geom,2163), eps := 0.3048*5000, minpoints :=1) OVER () AS cluster_id, aa.geom
FROM shapefiles.atp_filling_stations aa WHERE aa.amenity = 'fuel'
AND aa.ctry_code = 'US' AND aa.geom IS NOT NULL;

The reason is that it doesn't seem that QGIS can work w TEMP tables.

From this, I want to create a layer; I use the following SQL:

SELECT cluster_id AS cid1 , ST_Collect(ST_MinimumBoundingCircle(ST_Collect(geom)), ST_Collect(geom)) AS geom, COUNT(*) as ct FROM shapefiles.filling_station_clusters GROUP BY 1;

(for some reason, it rejected the SQL if a result was returned with column name of cluster_id - possible reserved name?)

This SQL variant does not return errors, but it isn't visible in my QGIS project (it's an ongoing project with about twenty layers built with PostGIS).

Any advice?

Should I direct this inquiry to the QGIS list?

Thank you,


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