On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 06:33:47PM +1000, Luca Morandini wrote:
> Folks,
> as promised, I ran performance tests on topology creation against
> the latest PostGIS (see a previous post of mine), but the processing
> time did not change from PostGIS 2.0.0 and Geos 3.3.3.
> Details:
> - Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS 64bits
> - PostgreSQL 9.1.3
> - libgeos 3.3.4
> - PostGIS rev. 9949
> - Data: 142 polygons, 386.387 points, 2.721 points on avg for each polygon
> One caveat: I built PostGIS from trunk, applied it to a new database
> and it worked... but it still gives me 2.0.0 as version:
> SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
> FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name LIKE 'postgis%' ;
>        name       | default_version | installed_version
> ------------------+-----------------+-------------------
>  postgis          | 2.0.0           |
>  postgis_topology | 2.0.0           |
> Am I doing something wrong ?

Probably. I don't use the extension model (as I find it more limited while
upgrading between SVN revisions) so I don't really know _what_, but I guess
a ```SELECT postgis_full_version()``` would tell you more (procs need

Mind you: once figured out, I expect you to provide much more
_detailed_ profiling ! :)


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