Hello Mike,

I renaming my table "Land_cover" table to "land_cover".

I have a new error message :

INSERT INTO nei_topo(nei, topo)
SELECT topology.toTopoGeom(the_geom, 'public', 1)
FROM land_cover
WHERE gid BETWEEN 1 and 8;

ERREUR: INSERT a plus de colonnes cibles que d'expressions
LINE 1: INSERT INTO nei_topo(nei, topo)

********** Erreur **********

ERREUR: INSERT a plus de colonnes cibles que d'expressions
État SQL :42601
Caractère : 27

Could you throw light for me?


Le 20/06/2012 23:19, Mike Toews a écrit :
Hi Laurent,

I recommend renaming your "Land_cover" table to "land_cover" (with a
lower case "l"). It is pretty easy to do with pgAdminIII. Renaming
your table to lower case will make your queries simpler, since you
won't need to use double quotes.

Read more about your situation here:

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