Le 28/06/2012 10:32, Sandro Santilli a écrit :
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:23:14AM -0400, Mathieu Basille wrote:
Dear list,

I need to proceed with a sensitive (and unfortunate) migration of
the computer which currently runs PostGIS from Debian to Windows. I
figured out I could as well upgrade PostGIS and PostgreSQL in the

Current versions are:
- Debian Squeeze
- PostgreSQL 8.4
- PostGIS 2.0 SVN r6066 from 13 October 2010 (long before the
extension mechanism was implemented)

Target versions thus are:
- Windows 7
- PostgreSQL 9.1
- PostGIS 2.0.1

Did anyone already go through such a migration? From what I
understand, I need to run a hard upgrade using pg_dump (or
pg_dumpall) from PostgreSQL 9.1 first. I will then get a .sql file
which contains the whole DB. I can then save it, install Windows 7 +
PostgreSQL 9.1 + PostGIS 2.0.1, and use it again to restore the DB
in the new PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

You'll need to invoke pg_dump using the -Fc (custom format) switch,
which gives you not an SQL but an indexed dump, needed for skipping
the parts you won't want to restore. postgis_restore.pl will take
care of the restore (and skipping).

Dear Sandro,

Thanks for the additional information. I didn't understand the specifics of the -Fc switch (maybe something to add in the doc?). It seems I don't have to worry too much with the PostgreSQL/PostGIS upgrade.

And yes, I'd do the upgrade on Unix first.
Once you go to windows you'll be alone in the dark ...

This is actually my main concern... I'm very familiar and happy with Debian, and not at all with Windows... Anyway, the migration is not my call! I will thus proceed with the upgrade first on Debian, and later switch to Windows.

I'll let you know how it goes!



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