
I'm fairly new to PostGIS and PostGIS raster stuff, so this may be a really 
simple question - hopefully someone will be able to help me anyway.

I am running the following SQL statement:

SELECT ST_Value(rast, ST_PointFromText('POINT(-59 -1)', 4326)) FROM modis.test

In this case, rast is the raster column in the table modis.test, which has a 
tiled raster dataset in it. When I run this query through psql I get a single 
result (4993), but when I run it through the Postgres adaptor in the 
programming language I'm using (node.js in this case) I get lots and lots of 
null results, with the one real value (4993) in the middle of them, with one 
row for each tile of the data.

[ { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: 4993 },
  { st_value: null },
  { st_value: null } ]

Is there a way to stop this happening? I have tried adding a "WHERE st_value IS 
NOT NULL" but that doesn't seem to give any results at all. Is there a way of 
getting the SQL statement to treat the raster dataset like GDAL does with mode 
= 2 - ie. a table as one whole tiled raster not individual rasters?


PhD Student
University of Southampton
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