Can you interact with the postgresql/Postgis data natively (ie via pgAminIII) without error? Can't think of any case where this might not be the case. This smells very much like an ArcGIS/ArcSDE configuration problem. In the old days, when one used the ArcSDE administration command line tools, one would use sdelayer to create a layer over an existing table. That sdelayer command included arguments to tell ArcSDE what column contained the unique identifier and whether it was SDE maintained or user maintained. ArcSDE, back then, didn't require the column to be a primary key, only unique. 

sdelayer -o add -l <table,column> -e <entity_mask>
[-t <storage_type>] [Spatial_Index][{-R <SRID> | [Spatial_Ref_Opts]}]
[-M <minimum_id>] [{-f <init_features,avg_points> | -k <config_keyword>}]
[-E <{empty | xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax}>] [-L {ON | OFF}]
[-C <row_id_column>[,{SDE|USER}[,<min_ID>]]] [-P {HIGH | BASIC}]
[-S <layer_description_str>] [-i {<service> | <port#> | <direct connection>}]
[-s <server_name>] [-D <database_name>] -u <DB_user_name>
-p <DB_user_password> [-q]

For -C .....

Specifies the name of the row ID column of the layer's business table and the optional minimum row ID value

For the register operation, it also specifies whether the row ID is to be registered as user or ArcSDE maintained. If ArcSDE maintained, you can specify the starting value (min_ID) for the row ID. If no minimum ID is specified, it defaults to 1. If you intend to register the feature class with the geodatabase, you should register the row ID column as ArcSDE maintained.

For the feature_info operation, it specifies the name of the row ID column that will be output to a table in the database.

Double check that this is your table/column configuration aligns with what I have said.

On Wed, 04 Jul 2012 06:00:23 +1000, Melpati, Muni <> wrote:

The selected unique identifier column is GID (created by postgis). So, it has to be unique identifier.

Based on the fact that I could see selected feature attributes or I could see attributes using identifier tool,

I have to assume that query tool retrieves this information upon user action (in this case select a feature).


That is why I am wondering if I need to modify something like it was done with SDE Server config file to improve the performance of the query application. Thanks.



Message: 18

Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 17:50:55 +0200

From: William Humphrey Temperley <>

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS


To: "'PostGIS Users Discussion'"


Message-ID: <013c01cd5933$a1af3230$e50d9690$>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I haven't seen this behaviour -- being able to see the attributes with

identify but not being able to use the attribute table properly.



Are you 100% certain the unique identifier column you have chosen is unique,

i.e. is it a primary key, or does it have a unique constraint on it?

Duplicate keys might cause this behaviour, but I'm not sure.









[] On Behalf Of Melpati,


Sent: 03 July 2012 17:28


Subject: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS 10



Hi William,


Thank you for response. It is great that you showed interest in helping me

on this. After playing with the query tool, it was very evident that I need

to pick one single unique identifier field. The problem I am facing happens

despite the fact that I selected one single field as unique identifier.  I

have two layers (one with 13,000 records and another with 55,600 records).

Smaller file works like any other shape file. The larger file would through

up loading data problem.



Note: If I, either select a bunch features  or use identify tool, I could

see all the attributes. In other cases, though I could not see attributes, I

could see all the features on the map.


I could also use attribute query tool on the same data and select records

and  view them.  However, I simply having trouble with opening the table and

viewing all the records.


Also I am unable to export to shapefile from ArcMap when this problem





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