
I'm trying to display "Raster postgis data" via Qgis ("Load Postgis Raster Layer"). It works but it's a bit slow! These raster are 11 Rapideye satellite images with 5 bands in native. I defined following overviews for each data : 3,9,27,81,243
Size of smallest SQL file : 270 MO
Size of biggest SQL file : 679 MO

1/What do you think about overviews values ?
2/According to you, the plugin is abble to display a sql file with a size of 679 MO ? 3/In native, these data have 5 bands but we need display only 3 bands. According to you, is it better before importing these data in database to remove 2 useless bands in order to speed up the display ?
4/Is there update regarding the speed problem ( Gdal driver issue).
5/Is there another way faster (Gvsig for instance) in displaying postgis raster data?
Thank you to throw light for me.


Laurent Celati.

Laurent Celati – Geospatial applications specialist - LATITUDE GEOSYSTEMS
47, avenue de la Division Leclerc - 95170 Deuil-la-Barre, FRANCE
Tel : + 33 (0)1 34 17 23 84 - Fax : + 33 (0) 1 39 64 04 86
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skype lcelati
E-mail : lcel...@latitude-geosystems.com

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