On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:34:05PM +0000, Astrid Bjørnerød wrote:
> Hei.
> I need the relation between geo and topo, and I have used a query like :
> select a.gid, f.face_id,a.geo,f.mbr,a.artype from test_ar5jm.temp_ar5_flate 
> a, ar5_topo.face f, ar5_topo.relation r
> where r.topogeo_id = a.gid and r.element_id = f.face_id
> But sometimes the function ST_CreateTopoGeo doesn't populate the 
> topo.relation table.
> I have unique id for my geometry-table so why doesn't the trigger insert?

ST_CreateTopoGeo _never_ touches the "relation" table.
That function only populates the primitives.

How could it know what makes up a feature, when its input is just
a single geometry ?

If you want to create TopoGeometries (that's what "relation" is for)
use the toTopoGeom function.


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