#3432: Allow for auto-completion of street suffixes
 Reporter:  Clorox                                |       Owner:  
     Type:  enhancement                           |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  major                                 |   Milestone:  Wishlist      
Component:  potlatch2                             |     Version:  2.0           
 Keywords:  street abbreviations auto completion  |  
 For example, if I type "Main St" as the value for the "name" key, the
 value should end up saying "Main Street". This could be implemented in
 many different ways, including:

 * replacing the abbreviation after a space is typed

 * replacing the abbreviation as soon as it is recognized (this might cause
 problems, i.e. I want to type "Isle", but auto-complete recognizes "Is"
 and replaces it with "Island" instantly.)

 * replacing the abbreviation after a keyboard shortcut is pressed

 * replacing the abbreviation after the value is completely entered and
 focus has been taken away from it

 Text file including all USPS-recognized abbreviations:

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3432>
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