On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 5:32 AM, Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that would be useful, but I'll leave the syntax to others. I
> lean strongly towards always showing data in Potlatch, since every
> object can be transmorgified into a different type of object. For
> example, if you are hiding certain things (e.g. rivers) there's
> nothing stopping you from changing a road into a river and it then
> disappearing, or forgetting that you've hidden certain things and
> adding duplicates.

Yep. I think a style that indicates "this is some object you've
elected not to care about" would be the way to go. (Or, at least, one
way to go....)

> In saying that it's always worth remembering that Halcyon, and MapCSS
> too, are general purpose tools. I sometimes end up coding things that
> are a little to potlatch2-specific into them!

Yes...but if MapCSS is a general purpose tool for editors and
renderers, then having features useful to one but not the other should
be fine, right?

>> Incidentally, http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MapCSS still says
>> that @import is not supported.
> Wiki found in inaccuracy shocker! :-)

I was waiting for the SOFIXIT. :) I haven't actually tested the
@import feature so I don't know if it has any limitations or whatever.
But yer.


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