Greg, you want to look at the lightspark project, . It's direct goal is AS3
  support, it's under heavy development and is much more likely to
  support potlatch2 than gnash ever will. They've implemented a fair
  amount of the AS3 language but it's not yet enough to run potlatch2.
  We have a tracking bug for this with them at . I'd be interested
  to see if anyone has any insights as to how close they are to
  supporting enough language features for p2 to run, and doubly
  interested in anyone who wants to help them with their coding to
  achieve that goal.

Thanks - I'm glad there is hope for using potlatch2 without
proprietary/unportable software, and reading the bug it seems perhaps
not even too far away.  I put lightspark on my eventually-in-spare-time
list, and put it on the to-be-packaged list for pkgsrc.

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