On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:29 AM, OpenStreetMap <t...@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>  and took about five minutes. People have spent orders of magnitude more
>  time filing tickets/usability reports/what-have-you about this... than
>  actually fixing it. If only people were more prepared to roll up their
>  sleeves and do stuff... ;)

Speaking for myself:
1) I tried to migrate to Git and failed. I had two goes at it, spend a
couple of hours, and couldn't get a working dev environment. Also, I
don't really get the Git workflow - checking into SVN was very
straightforward, but Git seems to be something like "store it in your
own repository and then convince people to do something with your
changeset". I keep meaning to re-investigate.
2) I don't have internet at home atm. So the onlly value I can add is
commentary, for the next few weeks.


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