On 5 November 2011 18:11, Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> wrote:

>> You probably don't even need to fork it. I suspect you could get most of the
>> way there with a custom P2 style, a custom map_features.xml, and Andy's
>> awesome new snapshot stuff (which is expressly designed for manually
>> bringing in data from other sources). potlatch-dev is happy to help. :)
> Hi, this sounds cool! I don't closely follow potlatch-dev but I'm curious 
> about this feature.

Hi Mike,

It's a prototype feature, and poorly documented! The basic scenario is
that you have a .osm file representing some kind of external
datasource, that you want to combine into OSM - i.e. not blindly
upload directly to the main server. So you load the data up into a
small rails app (snapshotserver)[1] which serves it out as map
requests, and you use potlatch 2 to allow people to go through each
feature and reconcile them with what's already in OSM. As a bonus, you
can mark features as "complete", thereby collaboratively reviewing the
external datasource.

There's some information about this on the wiki[2] and a blog by
Cyclestreets, who commissioned the work[3]

I'd love any feedback you have on it.


[1] https://github.com/gravitystorm/snapshot-server
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Snapshot_Server
[3] http://www.cyclestreets.net/blog/2011/10/24/osm-merging-tool/

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