On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Charlotte Wolter <techl...@techlady.com> wrote:
>         I edit a lot in the American Southwest, where there are a lot of
> natural parks, national forests, preserves and many other natural areas.
> However, Potlatch2 includes no category for "natural." Wwe used to have it
> in Potlatch1. Why is it no longer included?

It looks included to me, on the live version on openstreetmap.org.
Select a closed way (area), and 'natural' is a category between Water
and Barrier.

>         Also, because the Southwest is a desert area, where a road crosses a
> stream, often there is only a ford rather than a bridge. This is because 99%
> of the time the stream is dry. Can we add "ford" to the "Bridge" drop-down
> menu?

Seems pretty reasonable. The actual tag is ford=yes, so it would be a
separate checkbox. Btw you can add requests here:

>And can we add "intermittent" under the "Water" category?

For anyone implementing this, the tags are intermittent=yes or seasonal=yes.


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