On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:07 PM, Richard Fairhurst
<rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Firstly, we need the ability to load alternative map_features files. The
> reason that isn't implemented right now is because no-one has coded it. ;)

Hmm, I wonder if potential contributors are possibly put off by the
lead maintainer responding to reasonable questions with dismissive
remarks like "My decision as P2 maintainer is that designation= is an
appropriate tag in this place, that's why I put it there and that's
why it will remain there."

> Secondly, the best way of getting the "pretty easy change requests" fixed
> would be to identify someone to curate the default P2 map_features.xml. At

Give control (and the whole workload) of map_features to a single
person? Why is that a good way, let alone the "best way"? The problem
of selecting a sensible subset of the vast number of tags in use is a
really hard one, and requires debate and discussion, not autocratic
decision making.

> present it's largely done by Andy and me when we get a spare minute, but we
> do of course have the rest of P2 to look after! On occasion I try and devote
> a whole day to fixing the accumulation of little P2 issues - the last time
> was in October, I think - and often this sort of thing gets tackled then. To
> find someone with an "editorial" eye to sensibly curate the tags on a
> ongoing basis would be good, but I'm not pretending that person would be
> easy to find.

Sounds like you need more P2 contributors in general - see my first
comment above.

For the specifics of sensibly curating the tags, I suggest the
"sensible" way forward is to work with something like Sam Vekeman's
excellent "open map features" spreadsheet:


Then we for each feature we can systematically:
- support
- not support
- plan to support (when someone gets around to it)
- support (/plan) in an optional (region-specific? plugin?) way


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