On 14/02/2014 17:44, Fernando Trebien wrote:
Hello everyone,

I was wondering when is it that Potlatch will be considered officially

There is no intention at all to "deprecate" P2.

Since newbie users are best-served by iD, the best thing you, as an OSM contributor, can do to prevent mapping mistakes is to add Internet Explorer support to iD so that new users are always presented with that. And, of course, you're very welcome to submit patches to P2 to address any issues you perceive with it.

Every editor has its pitfalls. iD has the "unintentional selection of areas" thing, JOSM has the "too easy for people to make bulk edits" thing, and so on. FWIW I noticed someone in #osm-gb earlier saying that they preferred P2 to other editors for route relations because it makes them more obvious, so your opinion is not necessarily universally shared. Diversity is good.


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